Friday, May 8, 2009

23 weeks

For Today...

Outside my window...
78* and 75% humidity. Perfect day for sweating ;p

I am thinking...
that there's a large possibility we won't be camping this weekend.

I am thankful for...
an excellent appointment at the birthing center yesterday!

From the kitchen...
it's a mess. I need to clean it! ;)

I am wearing...
shorts and a mismatched but comfy tee shirt...

I am reading...
I have about 20+ books on my shelves from the library that I need to finish reading. Mostly about nutrition and pregnancy.

I am hoping...
that the next 17 weeks go by FAST!

I am creating...
an active child :)

I am praying...
for hubby to have patience at work.

One of my favorite things...
feeling sugar bean kick me at almost every hour of the day.

A few plans for the rest of the day...
clean house, finish wedding gift project for sister, exercise, get camping stuff ready, go somewhere? (camping might be ruled out)

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

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